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Old 08-26-2013, 11:20 AM   #244
Powerplay Quarterback
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Calgary

Any of you live in Deer Run? Is the coverage any better there than the big 3? (It can't be worse. I have one bar on a good day and have to stand in a certain part of my house to make calls, thats with Bell and Telus - I have had both. A friend couldn't use her rogers phone at my place. A co-worked lives in my area and has no cell phone service in his home at all - he's Telus, but also has tried Bell)

Going to edit and ask some more as well... I think i understand but just checking.
1 - So by canada wide talk and global texting - as long as I am in a home zone I can call my friend in Kelowna and text my friends in the states for free. If I leave the "home" zone then I pay 0.20/min to talk and 0.15/text? Correct?
2 - If I think I'll be out of the home area a lot - is there a set price add on I can add to negate the per minute fees?

Last edited by MaDMaN_26; 08-26-2013 at 11:31 AM.
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