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Old 08-16-2013, 12:51 PM   #9
Franchise Player
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Oklahoma - Where they call a puck a ball...

I'm actually dealing with this now. I have to go to court next week because my realtor sued me. I told him I wasnt happy with him last April. He agreed to end my contract June 1st ( 2 months early) to give him a fighting chance to sell it. He didnt, tried to say his broker wouldn't let him end the contract early, and just in general was a jerk. I finally said you made an offer ( and it's in writing) , I accepted it ( in writing), that's legally a contract, and I dont want to get a lawyer. He reluctantly sent me termination papers. I sold the house 2 weeks later on my own. A month later I got served. He doesnt have a case since the person he claims I sold it to is someone he brought to the table. Well I didnt sell it to the person he is claiming and if I had sold it to them , the person told me they never talked to the realtor about buying my house.

Nonetheless, the crappy thing here is the house in a different state and now I have to travel 6 hours to go to court. I also get to miss work and pay for a hotel. I am not to happy about this.
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