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Old 07-28-2013, 03:08 PM   #85
Erick Estrada
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Originally Posted by Brannigans Law View Post
Why am I not shocked that captain crunch is against weed being legalized and is making a case that weed is a gateway drug?

I honestly can't believe people are still in the same mindset of reefer madness. Did I wake up in the 50's? I don't smoke weed and think it's a waste of money but good god it's far less of a problem imo than booze. If I had to pick between driving home and having to dodge people high in traffic or drunks in traffic Ill take the stoners any day of the week.

Whens the last time you heard of a stoner father ruining his family with his getting high? Or someone having one too many joints and beating the crap out of their wife? Or killing someone because they said something stupid and the weed caused them to overreact and flip out.

It's simply amazing how propaganda around pot will NOT die down. Let people smoke a god damn joint in their house if they want to ffs... and in the words of David Cross, not have to worry about being anally raped in prison due to mandatory sentencing laws. (this applies to USA not us but same idea)
I don't know if it's just people like him. I have smoked a lot of weed in my lifetime especially when young and it would have ruined my life had I continued on the path. I've seen what it's done to friends that had a lot of potential when young that got chronic and are now nearing their 40's working at grocery stores, painting, working construction, etc. When it comes to paying child support, the bills or buying a 1/4 of pot these guys always buy the 1/4. Always! Making it acceptable and readily attainable opens up a lot of potential issues for a less productive work force, more relationship problems, and more wasted youth.

Maybe I'm wrong but this is my opinion as I lived that life and saw what it can do and I don't want my boys to go down that path and would rather it remained illegal.
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