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Old 06-20-2013, 11:01 AM   #222
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Originally Posted by chemgear View Post

I don't understand why they still can't implement this stuff. In fact, if they did but still gave people the choice to opt out of it, I think the sales could still end up skewing in their favour. I think people were more upset on principle than practicality. Microsoft could've said 'Yeah you can still buy the physical game and play it offline if you want, but if you buy a digital copy, you can share it with your "families."' There are a lot of the things to like about the Xbone over the PS4, but they #### the bed by making it sound draconian and then acting like a bunch of pompous ######bags when they got questioned about it.

As for the used game markets, I admitted to wanting to Gamestop get killed in this area. I think they're a bunch of scammers, but Microsoft missed a huge opportunity here as well. Here's an idea, turn Live into a giant interactive marketplace where users can sell the licenses of games they've played to other users, and then chip off a percentage to the developers. I have no idea if the technology exists to do this, but it seems like it would be worth exploring.

EDIT: And I get that Microsoft was offering this, but they made such a mess of outlining it that it barely got noticed.

Last edited by rubecube; 06-20-2013 at 11:47 AM.
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