Thread: Sim City V
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Old 03-04-2013, 11:25 AM   #1009
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Originally Posted by Brannigans Law View Post
That's a great point and I'm hoping the gameplay will reward us with complex city management. But bare in mind maxis also has removed some pretty essential stuff. Mixed zones, 1 way streets, highways, I think subways? They've dumbed down things a lot which is strange when you consider how complex the sim engine seems to be.

I think where the fork in the road appears to be is maxis from simmong entire buildings to simming the residents within them. Fundamentally as players will we be able to recognize this difference, and, if so will the return be enough to give up actual city building and settle instead on town building and region growing.

I think the answer will be no and no.
I actually don't think the game will be dumbed down at all. I have heard from people who have played the full game that it is quite challenging and that managing specializations is engaging and a lot of fun on top of the base RCI game.

Yes there are some things missing that were in previous SimCity games but there is a lot there that has never been there before.

If city size is your main concern and motivator though, I suspect that you won't be satisfied until Maxis delivers larger city sizes which are apparently coming at some point.

For me, I'm excited to make a bunch of different cities in different regions playing with my friends.

Huge thanks to Dion for the signature!
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