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Old 02-12-2013, 07:18 AM   #9
Franchise Player
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Location: Supporting Urban Sprawl

So I checked it out and I am seriously impressed. It works good and looks awesome, but not perfect right now.

Problems include:

- Downloads are limited to iOS clients, although Android due 'soon'
- Windows 8 RT browser doesn't support it since it is not in the 'flash allowed sites'. I looked into it briefly and there is a hack to get it to work so will check that out today. Even if it does, without a client it won't ever support the download feature, which is a drawback. I wonder, can you save content via one of the flash download plugins? Would be a suitable workaround.

Now to jailbreak the ATV and get rid of video in iTunes completely.
"Wake up, Luigi! The only time plumbers sleep on the job is when we're working by the hour."
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