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Old 01-22-2013, 06:17 PM   #208
Took an arrow to the knee
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He didn't say the French don't have many guns, he asked why they don't feel the need to own guns, which is more of a sociological question than anything else.

Gun laws in France are really quite restrictive compared to the United States. Ammo types are restricted and you may only possess a certain amount of it, you need to obtain a licence for your gun(s) and have it renewed every few years, you may only have a certain number of guns of a certain type, you are subject to background checks (criminal, mental, health), you can't carry anywhere in the country without special permit, proper storage of the weapons is regulated by law, etc.

Obviously, gun control, ownership, and the reasons for ownership are quite a bit different between the two countries, and I highly doubt many in France would say their reason for having a gun is an insurance policy in case of the return of the Ancien Régime.
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