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Old 01-11-2013, 03:53 PM   #348
In Your MCP
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Watching Hot Dog Hans

Originally Posted by Tinordi View Post
I'm brewing an Imperial Pilsner next. Just finished making a 4L yeast starter for it. Never done a lager before, hopefully it works out.
Wow. How did I miss this thread? It's about beer, one of the most important things in my life. Anyway.

Anyone looking for a good homebrew recipe needs to check these out


I've done a few of them, and taking a brewhouse wort and making a few modifications results in SUPERB beer. I did a Blue Moon clone in the summer (google it) and a dark chocolate lager shortly thereafter. I still have a case of it in my basement.

For those that think it's too much work it really isn't. Invest in a CO2 cylinder, regulator and taps, and buy some corny kegs on ebay. For about $400 I have a set up that gets rid of bottles (easy sanitizing!!) and quick carbonating (force carbonating cuts off about 3-4 weeks). IIRC it's something like 50 litres of beer for about $50, so once I get going I can have 3 batches on the go (so almost 100 beers a week). More than I can possibly consume, that's for sure.

The downside is I have to watch the beer intake; having 2 delicious kegs around at all times makes you fat. Another odd byproduct is the sneers you get from people when you tell them it's homebrew, and they don't want any. My homebrew is better than any store bought urine I've come across, so I happily live with the stigma of skunk beer, and turn my nose up at the guy who cracks a molson Canadian in front of me.
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