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Old 10-22-2012, 08:52 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Anduril View Post
What? I find that to be a little unbelievable. Sony is right up there in being guilty of doing some heavy work with their portion of Android.

Granted, I find them to be tasteful and enjoyable, along with HTC's sense.
Manufacturers who would be closest to stock is definitely Motorola and Asus (not much of a North American phone provider)

LG's had a terrible reputation of being a huge disappointment when it comes to following up their devices with updates. They've stepped into the lead with some of their hardware specs before (Optimus 2X is one) but never really supported any of their devices.

It's been so bad that you see some people being skepticle of the LG name even though it'll be a (hopefully true) Nexus. We'll see since the hardware looks to be pretty impressive again and if Google can make up for LG's failings
um, you may want to re-read that article you posted. it states that Sony adds more code to Android itself than any other manufacturer, as in the base operating system, not their own custom designs. that's why they're usually one of the first ones to upgrade their devices to new releases, and why they don't go crazy with themeing their phones

remember that Android is open source, anyone can contribute to it. even on your Nexus, a lot of what you see is due in part to Sony's work. and that's also why you have some very prominent Android developers (like codeworkx) jumping ship from Samsung devices and buying Sony. they release their sourcecode to the public, which Samsung hasn't done for quite awhile. i'm looking at the Xperia T as a possible upgrade when my contract is done
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