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Old 10-20-2012, 08:44 AM   #935
Franchise Player
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Calgary, Alberta

Originally Posted by bspec View Post
Hey Zukes, I know it's a lame, cliche excuse but I've been busy as of late because of the start of a new job. I haven't been able to play much NHL 13 and all I've had time for are some trade talks and such. Not avoiding playing you, but I disabled my CPU because some of us are still experiencing problems with the CPU making changes to our rosters without us knowing. I'd prefer that not to happen at cost of having to sim games. If you want to let me know when you're free to play I can enable my CPU for you to play. I'm pretty busy this weekend, but maybe we can arrange a good time.
If your team is not in order cap/roster space wise, I don't think siming is going to make a difference in how they react, because the CPU will still tweak with your lineup for each individual game. I believe the only way you're gonna avoid having CPU do something unintentional is play the game until your problem is fixed.

Unless it can be proven otherwise, it's not fair to Zukes that you're preventing him from playing your team under any circumstance.
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