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Old 08-21-2012, 08:46 AM   #202
CP Pontiff
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Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: A pasture out by Millarville

The unneighbourly neighbours on the hill have a German Shephard girl. It comes down with their kids in the morning and afternoon when the school bus shows up, then races along our fence, angrily harrassing my two Golden Retrievers. My fence keeps them separated but the German Shephard did bite one of my previous female Golden's once when she stuck her head through the fence.

Cue to a few days ago. Our other neighbours have one small dog and are babysitting another small dog. They leave their gate open. One of the little dogs disappears. They walk up the hill looking for the little dog and find it dead, lying in a pool of its own blood in front of the unneighbourly neighbours front door.

By chance, the wife of the unneighbourly neighbour arrives home at that instance and, in spite of all evidence to the contrary, vehemently denies her roaming German Shephard had anything to do with the massacre, saying it must have been a coyote.

She does, however, provide a box to haul the carcass home.

First neighbour calls the police to have it on the record.

Unneighbourly neighbours don't have a fence and their dog roams the countryside. The husband treats it pretty badly and the dog is outside throughout the year, including winter. Some sympathy there but I also throw handfuls of gravel at its head to make it go home.

Stupid, irresponsible people. He shouldn't wonder when the entire neighbourhood rallies together to foil his attempts at subdividing.

Dear Lord, help me to be the kind of person my dog thinks I am. - Anonymous
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