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Old 08-21-2012, 12:04 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by Mr.Coffee View Post
agreed, watching Bell was ridiculous, that guy is like a cartoon character and not only were his mannerisms distracting and annoying but his commentary was equally inept and lacked substance.

Nenshi's victory was interesting and I honestly didn't know his rise in popularity happened that quickly. But looking back, that's really all the documentary is about (plus the airport victory in city hall). This latter part was awesome and I was hoping for more things like that.

I think people are less interested in politics because of elections treated like a sporting event and more interested in actual policies and platforms and what actually has been executed to date with him in office as we're rounding the corner on 2 years. I know I am awful at figuring out what elected officials actually do and therefore I'm disappointed this program didn't focus on these things allowing me to continue to be lazy but be semi-informed and lazy.
The documentary crew filmed us (I work in the mayor's office for those that don't know) during strategy sessions on things like the secondary suite issue, but chose to focus the documentary more on the election and only a little bit on post-election governing - but the airport tunnel storyline was compelling and a major early term win for the Mayor.
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