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Old 04-11-2012, 08:39 AM   #33
First Line Centre
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Originally Posted by SHOGUN View Post
Started playing this couple days ago. Shen is definitely the most overpowered champion as of now.. just watched a couple of videos on how to play him, ended up destroying in the 3 games I played with him.
I honestly don't feel that Shen is overpowered. He seems just about right to me. The only problem is when your stupid team mates decide to focus him in a team fight. But that goes for any tank.

As a Gangplank main I can tell you that the only reason people think he is OP is because most teams will completely ignore him in fights. He is pretty fragile and can be bursted down super quick. Sure he can eat oranges and be k but with a couple CC's he can be dead before he has the chance to do anything. From my experience, I will almost always build him as a glass cannon because the other team rarely targets me.

You can find an "x is OP" thread on the official forums for probably every champion. Any champ that is given the room to farm or get fed is going to steam roll a team. Of course, some champions just stack up better against others. For instance, I would never take a Yi or Tryn head on as GP.
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