Thread: Gluten
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Old 04-08-2012, 11:33 PM   #25
Crash and Bang Winger
Join Date: Mar 2002

Originally Posted by ranchlandsselling View Post
I don't think anyone has said anything negative towards those who suffer from the auto-immune disease. If you want somone to be infuriated with direct it towards the pretenders. Granted they'll actually make your wife's issue easier by driving the market to provide more options. So maybe you shouldn't. . . . It's almost a win/win, but still lose unfortunately.
As I recognized in my post he acknowledged that there are people who suffer from it. The part that upsets me is to say the Gluten Allergies are a fad and are trendy. This may not seem offensive to you but to some it is very real and not a fad or trend. As I also mentioned there are some that see it as healthier living or a means of weight loss but from my limited time that I have become aware of the disease those are fewer than one would think and a majority of people who are living GF have been or in the process of being diagnosed with the allergy and since becoming G Free are seeing improved health and quality of life.
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