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Old 03-14-2012, 02:34 PM   #2
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I've been following this trial when I can and the whole thing was horrifying. First the defense effectively tried to shift the blame to the mother. To be really clear the mother probably wouldn't win mom of the year based around around her previous addiction to Oxy Cotin. The defense made it seem like she was a bad mother for not picking up Tori at school, and tried to create a dealer junkie link between her and the killers.

But just reading this testimony is heart breaking, the both of them are inhuman scum, I don't have any sympathy for a woman who willingly feeds a young victim to a rapist no matter what her up bringing, and then her trying to blame her upbringing on her willingness to use the claw end of the hammer on the girl and the whole B.S. line about her telling Tori that she was such a strong little girl makes me wretch. And her boyfriend is complete scum.

I give credit to the father, he's stronger then I ever could be, because I would probably have vaulted over the prisoners box to server my own justice on the creep after hearing the details of the rape and murder of my little girl.

I've advocated that the death penalty should still be applicable to a certain class of criminals, Bernardo and Homolka and Olson and Pickton and these two should all be riding the lighting or sniffing the gas or feeling the juice.

I think in this case where the case is pretty open and shut like it is, that there's nothing wrong with denying scum like this further existance.

I would like to see them experience even half the fear that this little girl felt. Its just unfortunate that the sentence couldn't be carried out with a claw hammer.

I'm repulsed.

I'm disgusted that McLintlock will be eligible for parole in 25 years when she's 55 and even if this scumbag gets the max he will still be eligible to get out by the time he's 58.

People who commit violent crimes for pleasure, especially against kids should be thrown into the deepest part of the prison system and never see the light of day again.
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