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Old 03-01-2012, 01:53 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by Cecil Terwilliger View Post
I'm ok with this as long as any official stuff doesn't contain any major spoilers.

If Martin comes out and admits that Jon will return as a _______ it should be in spoiler tags.

On the other hand if he says "we may not have seen the last of Jon" I'm ok with it because that isn't groundbreaking.
From the Martin interviews I have read, it sounds like that is exactly how he does it. For example:
2) Will we get to see Valyria?
As it was before the Doom? As it is today?
3) Can you give us three unanswered questions that you expect will be answered in Winds?
I could, but I won't.
4) Is Bronn's storyline arc done? He was one of my favorite characters in the early books and in the T.V show but it seems like he came to a peak in A Feast for Crows and received no mention in A Dance with Dragons. Please keep Bronn going!
Bronn still has a part to play. He will definitely be back.

I don't think you can say "major spoilers" because I doubt you will get any sort of consensus on the definition of a major spoiler. Someone may think it is fine, others may be angry.
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