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Old 01-06-2012, 03:44 PM   #521
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Originally Posted by Hemi-Cuda View Post
sith or dark jedi returning to the light side of the force happens all the time in the SW universe. i imagine this will be something that Bioware does in the future, the mechanic would work even better than WoW's faction transfering

I don't know

In the original Universe the only guy was Vader, but just like a cheap Sissy, Luke didn't even think about trying to redeem Palpatine who was only doing the noble and right thing by removing corruption from the Galaxy.

I can only think of a couple of redemptions in the EU

Kyle Katarn, Jaina Solo and that idiot kid with the sun crusher, what's his face, oh and Mara Jade.

But none of those were Sith.

Crap forgot about Reven

The last jedi to fall completely to the Sith side of things was Jacen Solo, and there was no redeeming him.

I would love to see the whole fall or redeem ability where you could in theory switch classes. Sith Warrior or Inquisitor to their dead meat Jedi Counterpart.

But it should be easier to fall to the dark then rise to the light.
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