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Old 12-05-2011, 03:14 PM   #11
Scotian Lotion
Lifetime Suspension
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Airdrie (as of March 2012)

What lenses do you have?

Assuming you bought a crop sensor DSLR, any lens 20mm or less will be great for any interior photography. I used an 11-16mm for my house shots.
Of course the photos had some distortion, but that was easily corrected using software. The wide angle lens makes the rooms look a lot bigger than they actually are.

It also helps to have a tripod if some of the rooms are poorly lit, then you can take an exposure that might be too long to shoot handheld.

Also, and this is personal preference, shoot low. Get down on a knee and compose your pictures at waist level or lower. The only exception to this, would be for kitchen shots or for shots of open concept layouts where you want to get a sweeping view of everything.
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