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Old 11-16-2011, 12:02 PM   #228
Powerplay Quarterback
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Calgary

Originally Posted by Icon View Post
I just can't get past how the game looks. It's just not drawing me in. Especially when you combine it with the gameplay... it just all seems very dated.
I guess style is a personal thing, I thought it was a pretty decent looking game... I never once thought it felt old or dated while I was playing... didn't even cross my mind...

oh side note... someone mentioned something about launch issues and standing around waiting for a mobs to spawn to complete quests... can't remember who.

Just a fyi - the initial release will be staggered with pre-order folks getting in up to 5 days early to help stagger the rush. Secondly after a set number of toons are in a zone a new instance of that zone will be spawned. A bit of a pain for grouping as I may be in instance 12 and you are in instance 4. But they changed how it works from early beta - you can now switch instances on the fly. It does not move you back to the beginning, and does not share a Cool Down with your hearthstone anymore. Basically if you run up to a quest object and some one is camping it- change instances and do your thing. I have yet to experience this as it was working the old way when I beta'd but a Dev said this is how it will be for launch at the fan-site summit.

anyone has other questions I'm pretty aware of what has been said publicly and not NDA breaking and what is not so ask and I may know...
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