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Old 08-23-2011, 12:42 PM   #14
Lifetime Suspension
Join Date: Jul 2007

LOL, you'd think nobody has seen a MacBook air before. I have had half the dealership over at my desk playing with it today. Ultra impressed with the speed of it, and no second thoughts about the size I selected, since we have 23" widescreen monitors on all of our desks, which leads to this question.

Where is a good source to get the monitor cable? I am super stoked to run this thing in a split screen configuration for designing brochures for the store. The iStore wants 45 bucks, and Memory express isn't much cheaper, as they are now getting closer and closer to a regular retail store, which makes me sadface. Back in their brown bag, musty old dungeon days, I loved that place.

Also, opinions on magic mouse. Is it better than a regular mouse? Or just a needless redesign of something that already worked in the first place? It supports all of the track pad gestures, right?
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