Thread: EVE Online
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Old 12-17-2010, 11:25 AM   #17
Scoring Winger
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Edmonton

Ya i've been having a blast with Eve. Its definitely a different game then something like WoW. You don't go on quests to get gear, you buy it (for crazy expensive prices) or you get someone to build whatever you need (ships/equipment etc.).

It doesn't have to be a time sink, because skills are selected based on time, not on how long you're in the game or how many kills you have, so if you only have 10 minutes for the whole week, just login select your skills and logout.

I still don't know pretty much anything about the game. I have no idea what happens in low-sec space (like can corps build space stations) or how to mine planets for minerals.

I'm actually pretty excited about the Dust game the creators of Eve are coming out with for console, where the planets in Eve are where you do battle in Dust and players in Eve can pay for players in dust to take enemy planets for them.
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