Thread: Help :)
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Old 10-24-2010, 02:40 AM   #8
Atomic Nerd
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Calgary

Originally Posted by SebC View Post
Well there's your first problem. System restore / Windows repair tends to bork your registry anyways (installed programs will use up disk space but won't actually run, etc.) so you'll probably need to back up, do a clean install, and then copy your save files / profiles etc. back onto the new install. While you're doing this, you should take the opportunity to go to Windows 7.
System restore also restores a backup of your registry hives. You can extract these manually if you want or replace them with hive files of your own choosing from any date if you have saved them.

He can't do system restore anyway as there are no points.

He should be able to just do a basic OS repair from that bleeping computer link though that should keep most of his programs operational. That should always be tried first before the backup and format approach which is like taking a sledgehammer to a wall tack.
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