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Old 08-20-2010, 09:42 PM   #151
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Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Calgary

Originally Posted by Table 5 View Post
Just another small reminder to consider pet insurance....

I just came back from having to put down our cat. She seemed perfectly find yesterday, and today in the morning collapsed and could barely move. We found out she had some severe liver issues caused by some sort of allergic reaction and diabetes (not common in a young, thin 4 year old cat). It wou'dve taken at least $2,000 to keep her at the vet for the next few days at the emergency hospital to try to get her more stable (i know emergency hospitals are pricy, but it was the only option as clinics here tend not to keep animals overnight), and even then it was only a 50/50 chance at best)....and a fairly significant long-term commitment as well. Pretty nuts, I think we're still in shock. At this time last night she was cuddling in our bed.

We had a 17 year old kitty that we had to put down last year that had a lot of liver issues. Luckily for him, his dad was a veterinarian, so he had free care (we even kept an incubator in our kitchen!).

Unfortunately it's something wasn't an option this time, but pet insurance could have made a huge difference.

So yeah, consider it.....
I agree about setting up the insurance. Right now I am not impressed at the cost of pet care.

My daughter's hamster was sick. We took it to the vet. $90 worth of meds because it had an infection. I can live with that. It is my daughter's hamster after all. It took a turn for the worse and my daughter took it in because I was at work. They decided the hamster had some more serious issue. Cancer or cysts or something. So they decide it is best to put the hamster to sleep.

They charged $270 for the 'emergency' visit.

Plus the $600 I spent in May to figure out why the cat was so thin. Cancer or diabetes.
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