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Old 08-07-2010, 07:53 AM   #31
Franchise Player
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Join Date: Mar 2002
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Key in all this is be prepared with what you need first, then want, then settle for, and know how much you want to spend (within reason). That way, you'll not get wowed by something you don't need (like LD minutes if you never use them) and not have to make multiple calls (each call you make lessens your chance of getting a good deal).

Then, call retentions directly.

As important as anything, don't be a dick on the phone or condescending. I started a call inquiring about updating the wife to an Iphone when they came out last year, with "I dont want to waste your time, but..." and the guy gave me $150 off on a phone (rare, as it was a non contract signing price) directly, saying that it was nice to hear that, because they do have so many guys trying to do whatever they can and call in 5 times a week looking for a deal.

Act nicely, state your case, and if they turn you down on one or all fronts, politely ask about porting numbers and maybe you'll get upgraded. Or, if not that serious, abandon ship, tell them you're just inquiring at the time anyway and may call back later when you're more serious and thank them for their time and hang up. Whatever you do, act rational, polite, and although you can be firm, don't be too threatening or bring up the "I've been a client for x number of years and I deserve a better deal" and go down that path (which ends up going nowhere except bad). They know how long you've been a client and know how much you spend a month and that's already factored into their decision.

They do make notes call in and act like a jerk, the next CSR knows that...or if you play CSR roulette regularly, looking for one that gets you the best deal, they'll know that call history too and not bother with trying to help you out as the calls pile up.

Of course it helps in dealing your length of tenure, multiple lines, and how much you spend as well..but again, retentions are the best bet to talk to because they have more pull to make things happen.

Last edited by browna; 08-07-2010 at 07:55 AM.
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