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Old 07-16-2010, 08:05 AM   #93
Antithesis's Avatar
Join Date: May 2005

I definitely miss the Cannons. Great part of my childhood. During summers, when my brother and I were old enough to do so, my Dad would leave us C-Train tickets before he left for work and we'd hop on the train and meet him for an afternoon game. That was great.

Going to Village Square Leisure Centre when it was brand new! It seemed like the coolest place in the entire world.

Having birthday parties at the bowling alley along 17th Ave ... it was on the east side of the city but I can't remember exactly where. It was in the basement of whichever mini-mall it was in.

I think it was Food City along 52nd St and about 44 Ave where they had pop dispensers in the store ... you bought their 're-useable' pop bottles and picked what pop you wanted ... we made some great mixes there but I only remember the root beer/orange combination.

Going for a ride on the C-Train on the new NW leg of it with my Mom and Dad ... if I remember it correctly, it was free to ride that day.

All of the various Olympics-themed celebrations we had in school in '88, going to Olympic Plaza for medal celebrations, pin trading, seeing Canada get spanked by the USSR 5-0 (and getting pulled out of school to do so!)

And of course, that Hello Calgary ad.
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