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Old 05-04-2010, 05:08 PM   #83
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Originally Posted by BlackEleven View Post
You don't have to have a monopoly to be susceptible to anti-trust laws, you have to have a dominating market share. This is why Microsoft faced anti-trust; although there are other O/Ses out there, they have an overwhelming market share. And I'm no lawyer, but I believe the anti-trust will be focused around Apple making it prohibitively time-consuming/expensive to develop mobile apps for any other platform while they maintain such a dominating market position that developers cannot afford to abandon their platform completely.
They faced the suit because they were a Monopoly in x86 OS market and used that monopoly to crush other competitors by creating barriers of entry to would be competition by strong arming OEM manufacturers into not offering competing products and punished them if they did.

Apple is not keeping people from developing for other platforms. There are ways to create cross platform applications for use on multiple platforms. It is not a God given right that it be easy and cheap.
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