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Old 03-19-2010, 02:22 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Da_Chief View Post
I don't know what kind of business model they're running but I don't disagree with them. The Calgary Flames should be filling the bills if their farm is short not the city, it is a private business isn't it?

Hockey should be taking a backseat to more important government spending like police, etc.

Frankly, I don't mind the Dome and if the Flames or the Oilers want to build new arenas than do it out of your pocket, they make enough money.
Exactly. The last thing I want is my tax dollars going to helping a bunch of owners who clearly only care about their own bottom line. Right now our focus should be on improving health, education,city roadways, lrt line and the airport tunnel. Not helping a private business make more money then it already does.

If taxpayers were to subsidize their building what are the chances they would offer citizens 15-20% decreases in ticket prices for the next decade in return? Its practically the same thing they are asking us to do.

Its funny when the flames were losing money every year they didn't hesitate to publicize their losses but now when they are rolling in dough we don't hear a peep out of how much they are in the black each year and I can hardly wait for the threats of moving the team again if we don't chip in.
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