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Old 03-05-2010, 07:52 PM   #45
One of the Nine
Join Date: Dec 2004

Originally Posted by Hemi-Cuda View Post
hopefully someday we can move completely past the last remnants of the monarchy. we don't need some useless figurehead like a Governor General which in reality is just a waste of taxpayer money, and it'd be nice to stop correcting foreigners when they call our leader president instead of prime minister. we dropped the union jack from our flag over 40 years ago, it's a shame we haven't done more to distance ourselves yet
I go back and forth on this issue. Today I don't care if we ever separate ourselves from GB. AFAIC, there are much more important issues to deal with than one figurehead position, and I really don't mind history being part of the present, even if it's completely useless.
I also think that no matter who (party wise) tabled the idea to completely sever all ties from GB, would end up wasting more taxpayer money than what it costs to give Michelle Jean a paycheque. It just seems like an exercise in parliament for the sake of keeping busy (sorta like this waste of time suggestion about changing the lyrics to O Canada).

GB has absolutely no influence whatsoever over our laws, money, or borders. Why waste the time going around changing everything at this point? It made sense for the US to do it back in the 1700s, but it's really just a symbolic gesture at this point in time. A useless one, IMO.
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