Thread: Dexter
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Old 10-18-2009, 11:56 PM   #243
Franchise Player
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: North Vancouver, BC

Originally Posted by jammies View Post
When I want to plan a dinner party, I need a lady - and life ain't no dinner party.

Anyway, I will lay odds that it isn't Anton, say 10-1 to anyone interested. The writers want you to think it *might* be Anton, but it being him doesn't make any sense and doesn't advance the story. This isn't True Blood, where apparently any kind of crazy shart makes the grade.
Oh please. Let's not put Dexter on this pedestal. I love the show, but it's not like it's the best thing to happen to television. There's a reason that it doesn't win any major awards.

It's definitely an hour that I look forward to every week, but they have had their fair share of far fetched crap on the show, not to mention some pretty shotty acting at times by the likes of Jimmy Smits and the chick who played Lila in season two. And it's not like Jennifer Carpenter or Julie Benz are great actresses either. Without Michael C Hall, this show would probably be pretty average at best.

Last edited by VANFLAMESFAN; 10-19-2009 at 12:01 AM.
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