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Old 07-30-2009, 02:30 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by FanIn80 View Post
Brilliant. The fanboy argument always wins. I have to remember to use that some time.
WTF are you talking about?

You rant on an on about how seemingly brilliant their product are, you have a large number of their products, and yet when in another thread people pointed out their own personal issues with Apple products and that hasn't seemed to phase you.

You jump into a thread where someone was asking for help dealing with a virus and you pipe in with the ever so helpful, "So this is what a virus scare is". Even though I know you come from a MS world and know darn well what happens. There was no need for you to troll like that.
You seem to have been in IT a long time and should know that the reason there aren't as many viruses for Macs is their smaller market share.

Looks look for Mac/Apple virus news in the last 24 hours:
A Mac security expert has uncovered a technique that hackers could use to take control of Apple Inc computers and steal data that is scrambled to protect it from identity thieves.
Dai Zovi, a security researcher and co-author of "The Mac Hacker's Handbook," said on Wednesday that once hackers start to put substantial resources into targeting Apple's computers, they will be at least as vulnerable as Windows machines.

"There is no magic fairy dust protecting Macs," he said in an interview.

iPhone hack:
The researchers said the hack involves sending a series of mostly invisible SMS bursts that effectively hijack an iPhone. From thereon, a hacker could control all the functions on the iPhone, such as e-mailing, dialing contacts — and, most alarmingly, sending more text messages to hijack even more iPhones.

So Apple isn't infallible. Apple is an excellent product for a lot of people, but it isn't perfect; there is a strong contingent that seems to feel the need to try and convince anyone who will listen that Apple is perfect or, barring that, that MS sucks and is evil (well, the MS marketing/licensing dept IS evil, but I digress). The Apple boosters (fanboys, if you will) are coming on too strong; the smug is getting kind of thick.
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