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Old 07-14-2009, 09:21 AM   #14
Atomic Nerd
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Calgary

Originally Posted by photon View Post
There are some 3rd party mouse/keyboard controllers for the PS3 I think, though I don't know how good they are.

I don't think there's any possible way they could match up, the console has slow turn rate while a mouse player can just flip around, seems to me that with some practice a mouse player could circle strafe any console player, get so good at it that they could never fight back.
It's impossible to get proper mouse controls working on the majority of console games aside from those properly coded for it because basically they are translating x/y mouse movements onto games designed for analog joysticks where it is a lever that pivots on a point and therefore the acceleration and completely differently calculated and since it is a joystick, it by nature has to have a deadzone and that absolute ruins any precision or use of the mouse...not to mention that the inherent precision of console gamepad analog joysticks is garbage in the first place and made games are coded to compensate for this somehow (autoaiming, auto stabilization).

The only way to get a proper mouse on consoles - and some crazy online console players do actually do this - is to purchase a specially designed custom kit which they have to hook up their console as well as a PC. The mouse goes into the PC and with special drivers software, the PC "does the work" of calculating mouse movements and emulating them as analog joystick output that goes into the XBOX/PS3!
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