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Old 12-29-2008, 09:50 PM   #1
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Join Date: May 2006
Default Outlook loads very slowly...could it be the spam?

I've been getting about a hundred spam messages a day lately. The other day after being away from the office for a few days I went to open Outlook. It loaded verrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyy slowly and took nearly an hour before it was usable. There were nearly 400 items (mostly spam) and I could see each message being loaded individually and, as I said, slowly. I thought that even this many messages wouldn't cause Outlook to load this slowly. Today I experimented and closed Outlook and with all of my emails already downloaded, Outlook loaded fast (in less than a minute or so).

Could all the emails be causing Outlook to load this slowly? Is there any solution other than letting it work for an hour to be usable?
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