Thread: Kentucky Derby
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Old 05-04-2008, 09:56 AM   #10
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Location: Wondering when # became hashtag and not a number sign.

I'm not alltogether sure what 50 years ago has to do with anything. If things are ok because they were ok 50 years ago then the earth would still be widely viewed as flat.
Ummm...I didnt bring it up...GS did. But you really believe people still thought the earth was flat 50 years ago??? Allrighty then.

I just think that the development of a sport that includes non willing participants that can die from time to time just isn't right.
Non-willing? You mean thoroughbreds are not willing to run? Hmmm...doesn't seem likely to know, if they don't want to run.....they dont.

And for every injury or death that the fans see, there are a number of them behind the stands that nobody hears about.
Agreed...horses die all the time. Strangely it happens to every living thing.
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