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Old 02-28-2008, 09:00 AM   #27
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The mother's comments went even further. I heard on the CBC eyeopener news this morning a sound byte of the mom who spoke of her daughter and used the words helpful, smart, sucessful, and also mentioned that she knows for a fact that her daughter didn't go around giving people trouble (I thought pushing someone in front of a train over $10 of crack could be considered trouble but I could be wrong). She's clearly either delusional, or dousing sugar on her daughter for the sake of advancing her 'Race card' defense. One who has a prior history of criminal behavior and who murders for crack doesn't fit with that description regardless of spin or angle.

Also this blame the victim crap has to stop too, yes the victim was a 17 year old crack dealer, doesn't mean that any conviction or sentance laid out should be any softer. In fact for the arguement of optics and racism this detail works against the convicted.
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