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Old 01-13-2008, 10:46 AM   #22
Playboy Mansion Poolboy
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Originally Posted by HOOT View Post
So when you RENT a car do you one day hope to own it? Just curious what your definition for RENTING is.
You are missing my point. When I rent a car, I know I can return it at any point. When you lease a car, you cannot.

The reason for my post is to drive home the distinction between Bell and ever other telecommunication company I have rented stuff from.

When I rented a phone from AGT, I could trade it in for an upgrade if a newer model ever came out. When I rented a cable box from Shaw, I could return it at any time to upgrade it if a newer model comes out.

I see people who rent the Bell receiver, then get mad when they can't do the same thing. Then at the end of the term, they have paid the same amount as buying, but don't own it.

Going back to your car example, if you were looking at a $20,000 car- would you pay $350 per month to lease it for 5 years? That would mean you'd be paying $21K to rent it as opposed to $20K to buy it.
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