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Old 12-17-2007, 04:19 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by The Yen Man View Post
They don't make or break games, but it helps. When judging whether I enjoy a game or not, I take the whole package into consideration. Ultimately gameplay is a deciding factor, but other things such as graphics, sound, etc. either add to or detract from the overall enjoyment of the game.

I guess everyone is different where they place the importance of graphics, but for me I place enough emphasis on it so that it does affect my overall decision of how much I enjoy a game. I know for a fact games like Final Fantasy would be less fun for me if they didn't have the amazing graphics that they do. Well, its actually more of their artistic style that I like, but graphics help bring out that artistic style.
In other words gameplay trumps it all. Graphics, music etc. are just sidenotes. I really can't believe any gamer plays a game for anything other than the challenge of the game. When the graphics were hopeless I still enjoyed playing good games. Now that they continue to get better it adds a coolness factor but it's somewhere way, way down below it being a good game. I guess if you aren't a serious gamer the peripherals might mean more!!!!!
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