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Old 12-04-2007, 12:46 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by BlackEleven View Post
Double Dragon -- Once again the end boss was impossible. He has a machine gun, and I'm supposed to beat him by punching and kicking him. Hard as hell. And that part where you were supposed to cross the wall and the bricks came flying out at you in a seemingly random, unpredictable partern? That sucked too. I'd always waste at least one life there..

I loved doubledragon, especially when you could pick up bats and pound on people.

However there was a major programming flaw that made it too easy.

The back elbow was the ultimate deuce ex machina in that game. Once you got close enough to hit it, no matter how tough the opponent, you just had to stand over him and hit it and everytime they stood up, they'd go down.

I remember the last guy lasted as long as it took for me to get within two feet of him, then I just hit him with about 20 back elbows and that was it.
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