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Old 11-19-2007, 08:25 PM   #22
Franchise Player
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: 55...Can you see us now?

its a game. i don't get why people can't get that. Sure, i'd like to learn guitar but by the time i get around to it my kids will be long grown up and what's the point of that if I am looking to play a game?

personally, i'm ecstatic to see games like these come out...and i am more than willing to pay a premium for games that the family can all play together. i love the halos and burnouts, but those games are for me. games like GH, DDR, Karaoke Revolution, Rock Band and the wii are things where people don't have to isolate themselves...and can actually have a good time with family members. that's worth a lot to me.

you get the sensory perception of playing an instrument, but no more nor less than playing tiger woods and thinking that you are golfing. its a game.
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