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Old 11-19-2007, 05:09 PM   #1329
Atomic Nerd
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Calgary

Originally Posted by J pold View Post
Hey guys, I have made and enormous blunder…I have spilt tea on the keyboard of my girlfriends brand new Mac Book, there wasn’t much spilt but since the incident it has been acting some what funny programs just running slower...what amount of water would make this a problem? And if there is a problem is there any suggestion for a good place for repair? Thank a bunch
Tea should not affect your system performance at all, it may be your imagination or something in software. Liquids into electronics is usually fine if it is given time to dry. The problems with keyboards is that the liquids can seep into areas which don't dry and it may short out contacts between metal traces.

Usually, there's nothing that can be done to repair such things unless you take your own system apart (there's nobody out there that does this as far as I know) and try to air-dry all the components yourself. I did this myself with a laptop, I took out the keyboard, dissassembled it, rinsed it with warm soapy water in my bathtub, let parts dry, etc. put it back together.
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