Major piss-off on friday. Some ###### in a white ford explorer decided to flip on his or her hazard lights on crowchild NB, on the bridge over the bow, and stop. As all the cars behind the moron slammed on the brakes, I did the same and watched in my rearview as the little chicky behind me was too busy looking at (probably her f'ing cellphone) to notice in a safe amount of time and she HAMMERED on her brakes.
F'n hell. If I'd have gotten hit, I would have taken the heaviest tool out of my box and gone and battered the explorer until I was satisfied. Then I would have smashed out the chick's eindow, taken her phone and thrown it in the river.
The best part, besides not getting hit, was that after a few seconds the explorer flipped off the hazard lights, turned on the left signal and got in the center lane. Yeah. The guy was too scared to change lanes and knew the lane was exiting, so instead of sucking it up, he put on his hazards until the center lane had a spot open.
Seriously. I felt homocidal.