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Old 04-26-2017, 02:55 PM   #688
Powerplay Quarterback
Join Date: Dec 2013

Originally Posted by OMG!WTF! View Post
Well, CPS was clear about saying it wasn't a case of mistaken identity...they knew the guy had a criminal record and they knew they were pulling him over and they suspected, though incorrectly, that he was involved in a drug deal. The story is clear that he wasn't charged. CPS seems to be simply saying they didn't just randomly boot @$#& some handicapped senior citizen for absolutely no reason. It sort of raises a public suspicion that the guy might be shady and thus the cops involved don't look quite so stupid. Again, the whole story isn't known.
I'd say there is a lot missing from the story.

They said that in addition to being known to police, he was/is under investigation by ALERT, who I don't think bother with the nickle and dime criminals. Also, why has he waited almost two months from the alleged incident to go to the media and essentially beg for a pro bono lawyer to represent him.
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