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Old 10-07-2015, 06:38 AM   #71
Lifetime Suspension
Join Date: May 2004

I would go further than just decriminalizing marijuana. If it were up to me, I would decriminalize all drugs. Hell, I would even decriminalize prostitution as well. We should be looking at what is in the best interests of the community, and many European countries have designated areas where you can engage in drugs and the sex trade.

If people are going to be doing hard drugs, or paying for sex, the Government should move it from residential areas, into a light industrial zone, far away from business and children. It's been proven that jailing people for vices makes the problem worse, in terms of disease and violent crime.

People will have vices. It's human nature. It's better to monitor places where they engage in such activities, and make the practices safer, than drive them underground, or into residential areas of the community.

I just fail to see the benefits of jailing someone for their vices. The Conservatives have such a knee jerk reaction to these issues, that it is somewhat concerning.

Last edited by Jets4Life; 10-07-2015 at 06:50 AM.
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