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Old 09-29-2014, 09:37 PM   #201
First Line Centre
Join Date: Feb 2014
Location: Uzbekistan

Originally Posted by lorenavedon View Post
it makes me laugh driving around this city. So sparse, so many empty lots, so much room in the inner city even. It's ridiculous given all these factors. It's nothing like Vancouver, Manhattan, Hong Kong, London etc. where you just have no more room to build. Just inner city, close to downtown there is massive amount of empty land and space that could house like another million people. It's stupid. Artificial shortage based on slow construction is the only problem here. There is enough land in the current city limits, given enough time, to build 10 homes for every single person in this city
Why is the land empty? Why aren't developers trying to jump on it? I'm sure lots of people would like to live closer to the core.
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