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Old 03-24-2017, 08:42 AM   #49
Franchise Player
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Calgary, AB

Okay, I'll take Liz, which leaves Ashton for GoinAllTheWay.
  1. GoinAllTheWay - Joey Covino/Ashton Theiss
  2. getbak - Redmond Ramos/Liz Espey
  3. Barnes - Matt Ladley/Becca Droz
  4. bigtmac19 - Francesca Piccoli/Michael Rado
  5. csnarpy - Seth Tyler/Jessica "Jessie" Lynn Shields
  6. Superflyer - Floyd Pierce/London Kaye
  7. ernie - Logan Bauer/Brook Camhi
  8. Weitz - Shamir Arzeno/Olive Beauregard
  9. ClubFlames - Kevin Ng/Jenn Lee
  10. Cheese - Scott Flanary/Tara Carr
  11. Fuzz - Vanck Zhu/Sara Fowler
Alright, that completes the first run-through and we all have our first "team".

Now, time to do it all again in reverse order. Of course, all racers are again available.
  1. Fuzz
  2. Cheese
  3. ClubFlames
  4. Weitz
  5. ernie
  6. Superflyer
  7. csnarpy
  8. bigtmac19
  9. Barnes
  10. getbak
  11. GoinAllTheWay
Turn up the good, turn down the suck!
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