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Old 05-09-2017, 08:54 PM   #2581
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Originally Posted by transplant99 View Post
What i mean by that is before this whole house of cards comes tumbling down, Trump and his circus will throw anyone and everyone under the bus. There will be an attempt to make certain people patsies is my guess. None of them will have deserved it, but it will happen. Lots who do deserve whats coming will get caught in it as well, but there's always innocents caught in the crossfire of these things.

This is such a classic case of the old saying,

"those who don't learn from history are condemned to repeat it" or however it went.
Nixon was a different situation, since it would have been unfair to say the Republicans or the voters should have known what was coming. That made it politically not just possible but prudent to get rid of Nixon. The Republicans could say "we didn't know Nixon is like this".

For the GOP, the problem with Trump is he's terrible in exactly the ways their political opposition said he is, just even less competent than anyone thought. That doesn't leave them a way to retreat. They have defended his horrible incompetency and terrible politics so many times that they're now stuck in his camp.

Most people don't realize there's something truly unusual going on with the Trump administration. I also think they're so jaded by the extremely partisan US discussion culture that not much the media can say could make them realize that. Except if a president suddenly changes, because you can't not notice that.

If the Republicans get rid of Trump, it would be one of the biggest political stories of most people's lifetimes, and the story would essentially be the Republicans admitting that everything the Democrats have recently been saying was right, that they really have been defending a dangerous incompetent crook.

Trump has also turned a large part of their party into essentially a cult of personality for him. There's no knowing how those people would react. I'm afraid the safest political option for the GOP is to push the Overton window so far that Trump becomes the new normal.

(Of course the US political atmosphere is so insanely partisan, that we might be at a point where essentially nothing can seriously shake the rough 50/50 split of the voters.)
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