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Old 09-26-2012, 11:17 AM   #22
First Line Centre
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Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Edmonton

As a conservative supporter I find the idea of Carney interesting and would welcome the debate and ideas that he would bring but have no clue as to his political leanings. My guess would be that he could fit nicely in with either the Liberals or the Conservatives though.

As for Justin, I really don't know much about the guy other than a few dumb statements on his part and the fact that he is his father's son. On the face I don't like the idea of dynasties or nepotism and would much rather see someone earn their chance based solely on merit. I am a bit biased but I will always judge someone with a known last name a little harsher than otherwise but I figure that is fair because their rise to the top seems easier.

One of my biggest complaints about him is that when he first entered federal politics there were a lot of people talking about him becoming Prime Minister. So really, my first knowledge of this guy is that his dad was leader and now he is thinking about it. I realize that the idea probably came from the media and he likely didn't make any claims himself but still that is where I stand.
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