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Old 06-14-2012, 06:43 PM   #6
Powerplay Quarterback
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Mahogany, aka halfway to Lethbridge

Actually, just looked up the wikipedia entry and it has an interesting discussion. If the government really did include queer in the mix, they may be setting themselves up for more than they realize, or the really have become the PROGRESSIVE conservatives. I don't want to quote the whole article, but it's not all that long. A couple of snippets:

In the context of Western identity politics the term also acts as a label setting queer-identifying people apart from discourse, ideologies, and lifestyles that typify mainstream LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transsexual) communities as being oppressive or assimilationist.
Inclusivity and scope

The range of what "queer" includes varies. In addition to referring to LGBT-identifying people, it can also encompass: pansexual, pomosexual, intersexual, genderqueer, asexual and autosexual people, and even gender normative heterosexuals whose sexual orientations or activities place them outside the heterosexual-defined mainstream, e.g., BDSM practitioners, or polyamorous persons.

For some queer-identified people, part of the point of the term "queer" is that it simultaneously builds up and tears down boundaries of identity. For instance, among genderqueer people, who do not solidly identify with one particular gender, once solid gender roles have been torn down, it becomes difficult to situate sexual identity. For some people, the non-specificity of the term is liberating. Queerness becomes a way to simultaneously make a political move against heteronormativity while simultaneously refusing to engage in traditional essentialist identity politics.[8]
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