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Old 12-30-2020, 10:29 AM   #26
Powerplay Quarterback
Join Date: Jan 2010

Originally Posted by accord1999 View Post
You only get that return if you self-consume the electricity. If you put it back into the grid, the return is only the base rate of the electricity itself. With the smaller system you have now, you probably can consume much of it. But if you grow your system, solar's generation profile that's concentrated mid-day and in the summer (periods of relatively low household demand) means that each additional kWh is less likely to be consumed and will generate less value.
No, that is not how my system works. My power generation consumption is on a monthly basis and not as I use the power basis. Though Enmax does seem to be able to track that.

If I am pulling from the grid, my meter runs forward, and the KWH count ticks up. If I am providing power to the grid my power usage goes into the negative and the KWH count ticks down.

At the end of the month, my last month's power is calculated based on the amount I used from the last month. The non-fixed price costs use the total power consumed over the month. So if during peak generation hours I generate more than I use (which can happen), it discounts my power usage from non-peak generation hours.

I have generated more power than I was using, and have confirmed this. I also seem to get some sort of discounts every month (not much a couple of bucks) for having solar. But for the life of me, I can't figure out why.

As for producing more than I generate, this will probably never happen with my case; however, I was told that you would be paid at the current wholesale rate. I will never reach that point without some major improvements in solar technology due to my home lab and hydroponics.
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