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Old 04-16-2015, 07:02 PM   #31
Trailer Fire
First Line Centre
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Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: The Armpit of BC: Trail

Delayed cord-clamping over cord blood storage.

Cord blood storage is more or less a money grab (unless you donate rather than store privately). Cord blood is usually more beneficial for a sibling that has an illness, whereas the cord contains a significant amount of the babies own blood that can be beneficial in increasing iron levels, decreasing the chance of jaundice, and higher haemoglobin levels. It is an immediate benefit to your child, rather than a possible benefit down the road.

Cord blood banks (private) can refuse storage if it doesn't reach certain standards that they have. You pay prior to banking, and if storage is rejected your money isn't rejected. Refusal of storage can result from the blood not being delivered on time, if there isn't enough stem cells in the cord blood, as well as any compliance issue with Health Canada Regulations (blood sugar levels can be included in this).

Delayed cord clamping is becoming a more common practice, so much that doctors are even performing this procedure for C-section patients as they recognise benefits towards baby and mom.

If you do still decide to go with cord blood storage, all storage facilities are regulated by Health Canada so a higher price does not mean a higher standard of banking.
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