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Old 01-20-2017, 08:50 AM   #5
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Join Date: Jun 2002

Originally Posted by Senator Clay Davis View Post
I could be wrong, but the other thread, all of it's two months, had more posts than the last American politics thread had in 4+ years. But here we are, today is the day we welcome our orange overlord into power. Things I'm most hoping for from a Trump administration:

1. Someone buying Twitter and banning him
2. Some kind of Melania sex tape scandal from the past
3. Air Force One being made out of solid gold.
4. A Trump golf course at the White House
5. Impeachment hearings
6) Impeachment hearings followed by anarchy, mass rioting on both sides, and incredible levels of Riots as the US splits on both political and racial lines.
7) America withdraws from NATO and also goes the isolationist fair trade is fair trade route. The World Economy crumbles even more, and the same time the military power vacuum in the middle East and Asia begins to be consumed by China and Russia.
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Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
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